Sunday, November 20, 2011

Virus in Sun Solaris System

Yes thats right, Virus in Sun Solaris System, But not actually.
Its usually considered that unix based systems are virus free. But that does not mean that they are virus free. At least not if they are part of network sharing resources with window systems.
Today I got a taste of this.
There was a folder in Sun Solaris machine shared with windows server machine. RWX permission given to server application for the folder. Recently we started noting that all of a sudden a large number of files with garbage name.exe or garbage.pif and more, started appearing in the shared folder. We deleted the files and again they appeared. We thought there was a bug in the application somewhere which was creating these files. But after a lot of observation, follow up and all we came to the conclusion that there was Virus ( Sality......) in windows system which was responsible for mysterious appearance of those files.
The actual problem was that we knew that our windows server was infected with virus and even formatted it many times but every time these virus will reappear out of the air. Now problem known, fixed and a LESSON LEARNT.

Dont believe everything you are thought. A supposedly  secure unix system can still carry virus for other systems without itself being affected.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Future

Yes it is very hard to visualize your future if you are a computer student and in India.
Hardware.... Software.....Programming....... may be Networking
Very difficult to choose..  even more difficult to remain loyal to your choice.
But yes it is fun all the same, the uncertainty, it can sometimes be blessing in disguise.
Market changes every day, and opportunities also change.
May be we should try to be JACK OF ALL  till you are dead sure that you can now become MASTER OF SOMETHING.

As of now    for me,  first phase is on... 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My First Blog

Still confused about how to start my first blog. Should it be about me? or my MCA? or??

May be I will combine all into one blog.
Something about me, my life  i.e. personal
Something about my passion computers
May be something about things I like.
And may be somewhere in near future something that may help someone get some answers.

Late to start, confused with content, Hope it will finally lead to something really nice.