Friday, July 20, 2012

Configuring IIS to work with ASP.NET 4

Step 1:  Enable IIS on your computer.

  • go to control panel
  • Add or remove programs or program and features
  • Turn windows features on or off
  • Internet Information Service
  • select, all web management tools
  • expand world wide web services 
  • expand Application Development Features
  • check ASP.NET and .NET Extensibility
  • Click OK
Step 2:  Register ASP.NET 4
  • For 32 bit windows in cmd prompt enter
  • %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
  • For 64 bit windows  in cmd prompt enter
  • %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
Step 3: Configure your website to use ASP.NET 4
  • right click my computer and manage
  • In Services and Applications you will see IIS Manager
  • On clicking it a console will open up.
  • on right column of the console there is one change .NET Framework
  • Change it to .net framework 4
You Are Done and you can now run your local site on localhost


Monday, April 16, 2012

Solution to Drivers problem in Windows7 64bit

I recently purchased a laptop with Windows7 64bit OS preloaded as my old PC was proving a bottleneck for me. And believe me since then I had so many problems installing or running many of my favourite programs or IDEs.
And everytime after going through so many posts by my learned friends on net and trying many many supposed to be solutions I was finally able to get through the problem successfully. (Thanx to all those who take time to post all those useful informations).
And now I want to share with you all, the root of these problems(as understood by me). My able and learned friends are requested to guide me if I am wrong or if anything is to be added to the post.

Scene1: You have copied glut32.dll file into your %windir%\System32\% folder and when you link a file for opengl project in VC++ you get missing drivers or file error.

Scene2:You want to create an ODBC date connection and when you try to create a DSN you see that you are unable to add an ACCESS DSN due to missing drivers.

and many more........

Reason for the problem or error:
In windows7 64bit for security reason the drivers or .dll files path is changed to %windir%\SysWOW64\%.
But your program or IDEs still search for .dll in %system32% folder.

Add .dll files to %windir%\SysWOW64\% folder instead of %windir%\System32\% folder.

In Administrator tools right click Data Source(ODBC) > properties and set Target path to %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe 
Now you will be able to add ACCESS or many other data sources type for ODBS.

So if you face any issue for drivers or .dll please take this angle into consideration as a solution.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Using MySQL with using visual studio 2010

If you want to use MySQL as database with using VS 2010, you need to follow following steps.
1.   Install MySQL.(Download)
2.   Prepare database.
2.   Install MySQL connector(Download) for .net.
3.   Now create a new web project or open a web project, right click the project name, click on add reference option,  from .NET tab select version (version of your downloaded MySql connector) and select runtime as v4......
4.   Connection detail will be added into web.config file.
5.  Now you can MySQL with your ASP.NET application like any other database connection.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Understanding normal forms

Normal forms or normalization was very hard for me understand until I came across a webpage and everything became quite clear for me. The plus point about this webpage was the way it explained the normal forms. The explanation does not use relational algebra or functional dependencies to understand normal forms.
1st Normal Form:
1st normal Form deals with the shape of a Record Type. 
Under first normal form, all occurrences of 
record type must contain the same number of fields.

First normal form excludes variable repeating fields and groups.

2nd Normal Form:

Second normal form is violated when a non-key field is a fact about a subset of a key.
It is only relevant when the key is composite, i.e., consists of several fields.

Consider the following inventory record:
R(Part, Wherehouse,Qty,Wherehouse-Address)
Here the key is Part-Wherehouse fields together but Wherehouse-Address is fact about Wherehouse only. So it violates the 2nd Normal form.
The decomposition should be:
R1(Part,Wherehouse,Qty)    and      R2( Wherehouse,Wherehouse-Address)
The problems here were:
The warehouse address is repeated in every record that refers to a part stored in that warehouse.
If the address of the warehouse changes, every record referring to a part stored in that warehouse must be updated.
Because of the redundancy, the data might become inconsistent, with different records showing different addresses for the same warehouse.
If at some point in time there are no parts stored in the warehouse, there may be no record in which to keep the warehouse's address.

3rd Normal Form:

Third normal form is violated when a non-key field is a fact about another non-key field.
Here the key is Employee. But Location is for the Department(Another non key). So it violates 3rd Normal Form.
R1(Employee,Department)     and R2(Employee,Location)

The problems here were:
The department's location is repeated in the record of every employee assigned to that department if department location changes, every such record must be updated.
Because of the redundancy, the data might become inconsistent, with different records showing different locations for the same department.
If a department has no employees, there may be no record in which to keep the department's location.

To summarize, a record is in second and third normal forms if every field is either part of the key or provides a (single-valued) fact about exactly the whole key and nothing else.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Virus in Sun Solaris System

Yes thats right, Virus in Sun Solaris System, But not actually.
Its usually considered that unix based systems are virus free. But that does not mean that they are virus free. At least not if they are part of network sharing resources with window systems.
Today I got a taste of this.
There was a folder in Sun Solaris machine shared with windows server machine. RWX permission given to server application for the folder. Recently we started noting that all of a sudden a large number of files with garbage name.exe or garbage.pif and more, started appearing in the shared folder. We deleted the files and again they appeared. We thought there was a bug in the application somewhere which was creating these files. But after a lot of observation, follow up and all we came to the conclusion that there was Virus ( Sality......) in windows system which was responsible for mysterious appearance of those files.
The actual problem was that we knew that our windows server was infected with virus and even formatted it many times but every time these virus will reappear out of the air. Now problem known, fixed and a LESSON LEARNT.

Dont believe everything you are thought. A supposedly  secure unix system can still carry virus for other systems without itself being affected.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Future

Yes it is very hard to visualize your future if you are a computer student and in India.
Hardware.... Software.....Programming....... may be Networking
Very difficult to choose..  even more difficult to remain loyal to your choice.
But yes it is fun all the same, the uncertainty, it can sometimes be blessing in disguise.
Market changes every day, and opportunities also change.
May be we should try to be JACK OF ALL  till you are dead sure that you can now become MASTER OF SOMETHING.

As of now    for me,  first phase is on... 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My First Blog

Still confused about how to start my first blog. Should it be about me? or my MCA? or??

May be I will combine all into one blog.
Something about me, my life  i.e. personal
Something about my passion computers
May be something about things I like.
And may be somewhere in near future something that may help someone get some answers.

Late to start, confused with content, Hope it will finally lead to something really nice.